ME? I'm that guy who sits at home creating loops and tunes, annoying his neighbours. If not at work, which I am a lot. I love music that's somehow different and new to me.

Age 42, Male


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Me and Dubstep - a strange relationship

Posted by JPRixdorfer - August 12th, 2011


So I'll write about Dubstep again, because it keeps puzzling me more and more. As I wrote before I am a big fan of weird noises and glitchy sounds, but never really got into Dubstep, while the rest of the world seems to get pretty wet over it. Now i've got a question for you experts out there. Hang on, I'll explain some things first and ask then.

Sometimes I listen through the music of some members here and it goes a little like this: They upload complete beginners stuff, mixed and mastered like they started making music during the last few weeks. Then all the sudden there's one Dubstep track that has great sound and does things that I'd just say the person isn't capable of, because it takes years of practice and understanding of how to combine synths with a dozen different machines.
Also, I've noticed that Dubstep producers accuse each other of "using presets" pretty often.

So here's the question: Are there VSTs where you just have to twiddle a few knobs around to get some bomb noises and stuff? Some kind of autostep? Or do those people just get a lot better all the sudden? I have no idea about VST, I'm a reason user, so please somebody explain this to me.

sincerly yours
J. P. R.


Could you provide me with an example or two via PM?

However, what you say is almost certainly true to a degree. There are a lot of comprehensive patch banks out there for vst instruments like Massive. A lot of presets styled after the kinds of aesthetics a lot of the popular artists are rinsing today.

I believe that there are also some nice presets out there for Reason as well

referring to the bird
keep it, there's a chance you might have a movie like experience in the next few months
or not

Nah, finally caught the poor fella and let it fry. I mean fly. FLY!

no lifer