Nice one, overall good sound, but you really have to work on the section starting at 1:54! It sounds really weird, because of the arpeggios - they don't follow the harmonies and don't work together with the strings and piano.
Nice one, overall good sound, but you really have to work on the section starting at 1:54! It sounds really weird, because of the arpeggios - they don't follow the harmonies and don't work together with the strings and piano.
I thought just for the part at 1:54, a 6 is kinda harsh, but yes, it could be better, that's why I get rid of it when it actually starts. Thanx for the review!!!
noice nises
I mean, nice noises! A little more dynamic and shorter and it would've gotten full score!
Ha, thanks. Yeah, I'm figuring out more about overall song length lately with some other projects, thanks for the honest feedback and for listening
why do you submit the same song with a new name under a different account as a different genre?!
After forgetting my password, i made this account. After remembering it, I put it up on my original account.
Great sound, great harmonies! So far the best one entered easily (I keep mine out, that's for other people to decide!)
The only thing I'd have to nag about: It's not really a remix, is it? The real remix part starts at the very end, when the guitar comes in. Before that it's just the Babulia discotheka sample... but again, it's not up to me to decide!
Judged by what I hear only:
P.S.: Good idea linking to the original, why didn't I do that?! *editing...*
Thanks! Yeah, as far as remixes go it is a little...distant from the original. I hope Timohi isn't mad...
There's "Also sprach Zarathustra" by Richard Strauss in it! LMAO!
Glad that you got my little joke there :) I'm a trumpet player after all :)
Thanks for review.
I love this kind of shit!
glitches - the sweetest manmade sound! When I go somewhere with awful music i always hope the CD hangs up. What software do you use?
Wait, ok that wasn't much of a review, so: I liked the part with the strange noises!
Haha! If only radio could hang up as well.
I used Fl Studio 9 and a layer to group together loads of cool drum sounds and blips and beeps then just messed with different patterns, sending some of the samples to different mixer channels for a bit of extra processing.
why the title?
As a guy living in Berlin I have to ask! The song is solid and well worked out techno, i. e. boring to me, but I can see this having a large fanbase. Reminds me of whatchacallit? "Children" by whatshisname? Robert Miles?
Yeah the piano is similar to that song. I named it Berlin because it was inspired by the artist 'Dash Berlin' :)
Thanks for the review.
boy o boy!
This takes me back! Late 90s... Going to the disco... Liking this kind of music... and this song! I usually wouldn't vote or review this, but you scored a nostalgia bullseye! To add something of substance: You tried to remix it creatively, add something new - and that's cool, but somehow, somethings missing. Maybe some kind of new bassline, putting it more into a new perspective.
Yup yup! I know how you feel man. I just randomly had it pop up in my head one day and was like OMG! I had to remix. Thanks for the compliments and I'm going to keep listening to the song to see what I can do to this to pull that perspective for ya. The lead that I introduced was harmonic chords which gave it a bit more flavor and I added a hard saw bass which is kinda mixed into the leads which is why it sounds so deep. I can see your point though and I definitely wanna take a look into how I can make this better. Thanks for the comment!
nights off by siriusmo...
... is what this instantly reminds me of, which is a good thing, as it's still far enough away. Unfortunately I really don't like your lead synth parts. They seem to be all over the place, not really put in there thoughtfully, they just don't fit the harmony - but not in the way that someone tried to make something sound unfitting, more like you tried to make harmony and failed.
thanks for you feedback!
ME? I'm that guy who sits at home creating loops and tunes, annoying his neighbours. If not at work, which I am a lot. I love music that's somehow different and new to me.
Age 43, Male
Joined on 7/3/11